
Saturday, June 25, 2022

Create HTTPS(SSL) web application and Site collection in SharePoint 2019/2016/2013/2010

 Create HTTPS(SSL) web application and Site collection in SharePoint 2019/2016/2013/2010

1. Open Central admin site -> Application Management-> Web Applications-> Create new Web application.

2. Change from 80 to 443 in the PORT and provide FQDN in the Host Header      

3. In the Security Configuration section, Select “Yes” in the “Use Security Socket Layer”

4. Complete all the other required fields and keep rest of sections as default then click OK Create the web application.

5. Create the Site collection once the web application has been created

6. Associate(Bind) the public certificate SSL or Self signed certificate in the created web site in IIS before the browse the created new site.